Welcome to Football Leagues Plugin Community

Join our community to ask questions , submit an idea , vote for the features you like or report a bug  

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Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.


Название соревнования в мобильной версии

Саша 3 years ago in Shortcodes updated 3 years ago 2

Андрей, приветствую! В мобильной версии не отображается название турнира в блоке матча. Можно ли добавить текстом название соревнования? Речь идет о шорткодах. Скриншот прилагаю.

Image 3616


Saved Penalty

Jux071 3 years ago in Match 0


it would be nice to have option when penalty is missed to select if it is saved, and to be added to goalkeeper stats.


Автозаполнение тегов матча

Саша 3 years ago in Match updated 2 years ago 2

Андрей, здравствуйте. Хотел бы предложить добавить автозаполнение тегов матчей.
Например: тег присвоенные домашнему клубу, тег присвоенный гостевому клубу, тег присвоенный соревнованию

Почему это важно? Для того, что бы связать новости с матчами и клубами нам нужны теги, но когда на сайте уже более 2000 матчей и накапливание идет достаточно быстро - очень трудоемко заполнять теги.

Буду благодарен за ваш комментарий.


Injuries & Suspensions info

alexlao 4 years ago in Import API updated 3 years ago 3
Is it possible to implement this?

Image 3077

Referee stats

alexlao 4 years ago in Shortcodes 0
To be able to show such statistics of the referee on his page - cards, fouls, corners, penalties (home-away).

Statistics for upcoming matches

lefaek 4 years ago in Match 0

Image 2818

Statistics for a football match is the most important thing that a user checks. It would be great if we can add more statistics for an upcoming match like the picture above. 

I also saw in premium template files the standings file have also home wins/goals, away wins/goals etc but i cannot use it. I can only use the standart (free version) standings


improving transfer shortcode

mehdashti 4 years ago in Shortcodes 0


I want to use transfer short code on first page, but I don't want to filter it by club or competition. would you please add some option to show all transfers from all leagues? also, add filter to select some competitions and clubs, not one club or competition.


Count matches

lefaek 4 years ago in Shortcodes 0

Option to add a COUNT (number of matches) in matches shortocde


custom watermark or small logo on all tables of plugin

Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago in Settings updated by mehdashti 4 years ago 2

Player transfers

nick tsiantakis 4 years ago in Player 0

is it possible for the season to appear in every transfer?

Image 2558