Welcome to Football Leagues Plugin Community
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Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.
Stats for totals home draw and away in league
Statistic in leagues of how many matches played (and how many left). Totals ended with home-victory, draw and away-victory. (See example)
Is there a way of manually adjusting a teams score on the standing tables?
Is there a way of manually adjusting a teams score on the standing tables, for if there are any point deductions given by the league?
Edit Standing Tables Settings
Maybe it is better to implement the "Standing Table Colors" and "Notes" Section into the "Standing Table" Section like on the Screenshot. Colors maybe with Dropdown or in best case with HEX Number.
sort the ranking by the number of goals for and against (best attack and best defense)
Is it possible ?
Possible to show top x in tablewidget
An option to show eg. top three at the tablewidget, and a link to full table. At the moment there is all or nothing, but If you run a site with many divisions it takes a lot of space on your front page to show a short table for all leagues.
Using club abbreviation in Standing Tables
Hi, When viewing standing tables on a mobile, if the team has a long name it makes the table look wrong. Is there a way of making Standing Tables use the 'abbreviation' name instead? I know I could shorten the Club name on their Directory but that then makes that incorrect. Ideally the Directory would have the Full name and the tables have the abbreviation name.
When you update the results through the Data Import Tool the standings dont update automatically
SOW/SOL for result/table
I'm covering a couple leagues/tournaments that instead of draws, after regular time they go to a penalty shootout. They have it where a SOW = 2 pts, and a SOL = 1pt. Was wondering it it's possible to have as an optional inclusion for standings and individual match results in those leagues that utilize that method to determine winners.
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