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last mach prediction widget or shortcode

Nistor Alin 5 years ago in Shortcodes updated by lefaek 4 years ago 6

If possible to add widget or shrtcode with the last matches with prediction

Image 1152


Custom Field with Shortcode

Sebastian J. 5 years ago in Shortcodes updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 5 years ago 2

It would be great if Shortcodes could be used in Custom Fields.

And these would then be displayed in the fields.

Not a bug

Hide score does not hide goal icon on shortcode

Suprim 5 years ago in Shortcodes updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 5 years ago 1

While the hide score hides the goal icon on lineup on main match link. But if we use it on short-code the hide score does not hide the goal icon on lineup. see the image

Image 675

Image 674


Need Clarification

Filter Players, Teams, Matchdays via Dropdown

BuddyHoli 5 years ago in Shortcodes updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 5 years ago 1

Please add a Feature to filter tables by the above mentioned. As an example: A league with 20 Teams has 38 match days. You could create one page for each match day. or two pages for first and second round with 19 match days each or just one page with all the match days inside.

But it would be a lot better to Show the current match day and have a Dropdown filter to select one matchday or even one Team.

Same in tables, where Players are inside, Could be great to have a Players list of the league with all desired Information like Goals, Cards, played games, etc. and filter in a Dropdown (Players from a Team, a single Player, or just an amount of Players to compare them. (Multi Select Dropdown)