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Improved Players Shortcode
Hi Andrei,
A couple of ideas of improvement:
- Now that we have the option to group players with similar goals or assists, can we also have more options to the secondary filtering, like more_penalty or more_games? Currently the sorting is ascending, with the two new options it will be descending.
- When a grouping is done, the rank of the next player or group is not consecutive.
In your example above, I would expect K. Coman to have a rank of 8 instead of 10. - What would happen if both sorting criteria in a group, are having the same value between the players in that group? For example players 4 and 5 below have both 9 matches and 19 goals. They are not grouped in the picture, but if they were, there would be no control for the order. I will also think of a possible solution.
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Можно ли добавить возможность добавления видео для клубов и игроков?
More player information
It would be good to have more general player options
Foot - left, right, both
2nd nationality
Other positions they can play
It would also be good if positions were broken down more so under defender there was right back, left back and center back option. Midfielder has left winger, right winger, holding midfielder and attacking midfielder
Stats on managers
Stats on managerprofile (staff), showing career of the manager. How many matches the manager has been in charge of, how many victories, draws and losses (like the stats shown on playerprofiles).
Clean Sheets
Is it possible to have a shortcode to display the keepers with most clean sheets in the season?
Top Scorer
When scoring scorer points, a player's goals and assists are added together. Would something like this be implemented?
Scorers table show two teams for one player (own goal)
Hello, a single player happens to be associated with two differents teams in the scorers table, maybe because he scored an own goal in favour of the second team (his actual team is Giovani Astigiani). Is there a way to get rid of the second team? We just need to show the players' teams, not also the teams they scored own goals for. If the same player scores another own goal against another team, the table will show 3 different teams for one player! Please we don't care about that information.
Conceeded goals doesn't count
If I register a goal scored for a team with no name or minute, the conceeded goals for the opposite goalkeeper doesn't change, and he ends up registered with a clean sheet. Is it possible to get an option change this so my goalkeeper-stats is more correclty? In lower divisions sometimes I do not get time when goal is scored.
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