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Tooltip with Match data on hover over series in Standing

Алексей Трегубенко 5 years ago in Standing updated by Sergiy Novikov 4 years ago 5


Very convenient display of match last 5 when hovering (standings, matrix, roster, player profile, etc.). The example in the screenshot.

It is also useful to add an icon with the next match of the tournament to the last 5 games in the standings

Image 243

Image 242


Import LIVE Matches from external API

Andrei S. (Developer) 6 years ago in Import API updated by Akadecaos 5 years ago 10


nick tsiantakis 11 months ago 0


Image 7991


Featured image for players, staff, clubs, stadiums and other pages (CEO)

Sergiy Novikov 1 year ago 0

Dear Andrei,

I kindly ask you to find the possibility to update and add a Featured image for players, staff, clubs, stadiums and other pages.

Or use Media files as a standard Featured image which will automatically add to CEO details (positive moment for improvement).

As of now, we see nothing or incorrect photos when we add images to following pages and share it to messengers or facebook.


Image 7108

with meta image

Image 7109


Club Page Year selection location

chicky365 1 year ago in Club 0


On the club page, the season/year selection dropdown box is situated above the Fixture section. Changing the season does not affect the fixtures, only the previous results shown.

Could this box be moved to be above the Results section, as it only relates to this section?


Show player rating on matches played

Hans Petter 1 year ago in Player 0

Is it possible to add player rating from matches also to be shown on players list over played matches? Easier for users to compare if the player perform better or worse than earlier that season. Tried to make an example of how it can be visualized.

Image 6826


Average option on Stat: Players (Single stat value):

Hans Petter 2 years ago in Player 0

Option when building shortcode for single stats for player to choose the option average per game. Ex. when creating a list for player-ratings in matches (Ratio), it will be more informative with an average rating than a total.


Export csv files

burylu3 2 years ago in Settings updated by GaspareNet 1 year ago 2

Could you add more export options (matches, referee, staff, clubs, ) as .csv files? Thx


Import filter

nick tsiantakis 2 years ago 0

is it easy we have those filtrs?

Image 6149

Under review

Team Roster - Importing data

burylu3 2 years ago in Club updated 2 years ago 3

Please add the possibility importing "team roster" for clubs in all seasons and competitions.