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tabs for search item

nick tsiantakis 1 year ago updated 3 months ago 1

Image 7053


Auto update competition structure or at least a notification of new API rounds when available?

KDT 1 year ago in Import API updated by slynet80 1 year ago 1
I wonder if there is any better practice for updating new API round when they are available instead of reminding ourselves to manually add new API round when each knockout round finished?

To better explain what I am trying to do, please see below screenshot. For UEFA Nations League, the Final is only available when the semi finals finished yesterday. It makes sense. However, it means that I have to remind myself to go to the API round today to add the Finals. Otherwise, the matches will not be created.

Image 7036

When many of the local leagues reached the final round this month, there are additional relegation playoffs. I would have to check every single league to look for the new API rounds to add. Otherwise, the fixtures will not be created until some visitors asked about the missing matches.

It would be great if the new API rounds can be added automatically for all active competition when they are available. Alternatively, can we at least have a notification when new API rounds available.


Display teams in competition leagues fixtures & results alphabetically within same date.

Chris Curtis 2 years ago in Competition 0

Teams in League fixtures and results pages are not always being displayed alpahabetically, but seem to be ordered based on when they were entered into the database!


More Ranking options

Falcon 2 years ago 0


Plz add more ranking options  :

+ goals + assists

+ per 90 Minutes ( goals , assists , passes ...)

+ % accurates ( passes, crosses, duels ...)

Thank you 

best regards

Image 5740

Image 5741Image 5742


Player's career continuation as a coach (referee) - Switcher (Link)

burylu3 2 years ago in Player 0
Currently, the plugin does not support the creation of one person with a career as a footballer and then continuation as a coach (player). Is it possible to create a link / switch to link the player profile and the other profile (the same person) as a coach referee ?

stats panel for ref

Hans Petter 3 years ago in Widgets updated by amirsfc 3 years ago 1

Would like a same type of stats panel for referees, with following info:

Season matches/Totals

Season Yellow /Totals

Season Red/Totals


Hopefully this widget can be available in layout builder for both matches and for referees


A switch which lets user sort calendar slider according to league or match time

Edwin Dee 3 years ago in Import API 0

A dynamic switch that lets the "user and website visitor" sort the calendar slider according to league or match time... pls see the screenshot example below

Image 4508


Генератор картинки (фото) для матча

Саша 3 years ago in Match 0

Андрей, приветствую! 

Можно ли реализовать следующую идею:

генератор картинки матча, используя как фон фото стадиона (не обязательно, можно взять любой), на котором будет проходить (прошел) матч + 2 логотипа соперников + логотип соревнования + дата и время матча.

В итоге мы можем получить следующую картинку (пример):

Image 4320

В итоге мы получим хорошее фото матча для поиска на сайте. Сейчас у нас пустые картинки. Также мы получим хорошее индексируемое изображение для матча с альтом, что хорошо скажется на ранжировании страниц. 

Также такие картинки можно выводить на разные страницы сайта, вместо блоков.

Интересно ваше мнение.

С уважением, Александр


competion link on calendar slider

almanacco 3 years ago updated by Mr. Gedanggoreng 3 years ago 1

Is it possible to make the title of each competition shown in the calendar slider a link to the competition page?

Image 4224


Work tag

GaspareNet 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 2


I make this proposal. You could add a "work" tag,

or you could make a post, even without comments, with the list of functions you work on.

So we know what features you are working on before the new version comes out