Welcome to Football Leagues Plugin Community
Join our community to ask questions , submit an idea , vote for the features you like or report a bug
Rules in short:
Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.
Hi i have error for add Euro 2024 can you help please ?
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined
Home / Away Walkover
Is there a way of recording Home/Away Walkovers for when matches don't happen, but win results are awarded to specific teams?
Пропадает информація в календаре , при изминени или добавлении матчей.
Андрей, привет.
Если добавляю матчи или редактирую, то пропадает календарь вовсе.
Может информация появится например на следующий день.
Problem saving a Player
Ich ändere bei einem Spieler den „aktuellen“ Verein, dieser wird auch gespeichert. Sobald ich aber seine Webseite aufrufe, steht immer noch der alte Verein da. Ich habe schon den Cache gelöscht, andere Browser ausprobiert und mehr. Leider ohne Erfolg. Kann das noch jemand bestätigen? Oder hat jemand eine Lösung?
Circled flag
How to use circled flag i have change customize -> general -> flag but but no flags appear
Issue with Competition Section Tabs not Updating Properly
I have encountered a problem with the tabs preceding the tab section, such as "Classement" and "Transfer". When I attempt to switch between these tabs, the content does not update as expected. This issue started occurring after the latest update of the plugin.
Could you please investigate this matter and provide a solution? It is essential for our workflow that this functionality operates correctly.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response and resolution.
Best regards,
Отзаявленных игроков (Покинул клуб)
Здравствуйте Андрей. Пожалуйста сделайте состав отзаявленных игроков (Покинул клуб). очень нуждаюсь
Where can I put license key?
Sorry for the basic question. I was using the free version of the plugin. So, I bought the PRO version, uninstalled the free version and installed the PRO, but I don't know where I can enter the license key.
Búsqueda de jugadores por fecha de nacimiento
Buenos días Andrei, por favor verificar la posibilidad que los seguidores de la web, busquen un jugador o técnico por fecha de nacimiento o rango de fechas. Por ejemplo, si quieren encontrar algún jugador categoría 1/6/2006, si hay alguna forma de mostrar a todos los que sean de esa fecha o año.
Sería algo como un calendario y cuando un usuario selecciona una fecha, aparecen los que cumplen año en esa fecha.
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