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Stats not updating

Stéphane PAPES 2 months ago in Shortcodes updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 months ago 1

Dear Andrei,

I have a big issue with the plugin.
After new games, tables, ranking scorers ... are not updating. It is very frustrating.
I created a page with the follwing shortcu

[anwpfl-stat-players stat="goals" calculation="sum" competition_id="199" multistage="0" season_id="" league_id="" club_id="" type="" nationality="" limit="10" soft_limit="0" min_games="" min_minutes="" sort="desc" date_from="" date_to="" days_offset="" days_offset_to="" matchweeks="" stadium_id="" include_ids="" exclude_ids="" club_logo="1" show_position="1" links="1" photos="1" show_flag="1" games_played="0" minutes_played="1" digits="" show_full="0" hide_zero="1" player_name="" one_line="0" max_width="" min_width="" first_em="1" custom_header="" custom_header_tag="div"]

And it is not updating, can you please help or let me know what am I doing wrong.



Cup match and League matches mixed together

DonnaA 2 months ago in Shortcodes updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 months ago 1

I have a league where teams compete in cup matches outside of the league (county cups) where the teams in my league play teams from other leagues. I've setup the competition and added the clubs, but was wondering if there was a way to add "Temporary teams" similar to temporary referees.

Also, if it's possible to display these matches mixed in with our league matches on one matches shortcode, which displays all the matches for each of our divisions

For more context. My league has 4 divisions (Prem, Div 1, Div 2, Div 3), we have 2 cup tournaments within our league and some teams play in county cup tournaments. If a team in my prem division plays in a county cup, I'd like to be able to show these on the matches shortcode along with the league matches, in chronological order. Currently I do this by adding 2 shortcodes, but the one that shows the county cup one shows all of the matches, regardless of whether the team is in the prem, Div 1, Div 2 or Div3. I’d like to split it out so it only shows the matches for the teams in a specific division, as I have different pages that filter out the matches per division.

Is this possible?

Under review

Player Page

Erminio 2 months ago in Player updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 months ago 5

Good Morning, when i create a Player, the corrispondant webpage is created by default (website.altervista.org/player/playername) but it shows a generic error page "page not found"...how to fix it?
Thank You

Under review

How do I implement the alert, Beta version: create database backup before import

halabiamh5 2 months ago in Settings updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 months ago 8

How to use free version plugin?

dineshdd Ewall 3 months ago in Shortcodes updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 3 months ago 1

No linked items in views

slawisnky 3 months ago in Settings updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 3 months ago 2


I have a problem with links on pages and shortcodes. In plugin demo players, clubs, etc. are linked in views. On my site, I don't have linked profiles, clubs, etc.

Is for this any option in plugin setting to turn on?


Missing images after competition creation

Mirek 3 months ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 3 months ago 1

Hi, the last competition missing images like a league logos. players photos. When I was creating the competitions i didn't notice that my hard drive is full. So i updated hard drive space re run player update and nothink

Should i delete competitions and recreate again?

Not a bug

Navegador web

juangaran 3 months ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 3 months ago 3

Con la ultima actualizado del navegador Firefox, el plugin ha dejado de funcionar.

Under review

Club page not showing active season staff

DonnaA 4 months ago in User Roles updated 4 months ago 8

I've added a staff member and assigned it to a team, however the staff member is not showing for the team in the active season (2024/2025), although on the club page it's set for the 2024/2025 season, but only showing the 2023/2024.  How do I get the club page to show the details for the active season?


Trying to switch from Sportspress

stanleyigboanugo 4 months ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 months ago 1

But I am so confused with user roles and capabilities here.

Does your PRO version allow me to register users who can add and edit their own players but not edit or delete other people's players or players added by anyone who isn't them?


Also, is there a limit to the number of users?