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Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.



almanacco 4 years ago 0

Is possible to add one or more columns in a standing?


Rewrite match titles

Charlie 4 years ago in Match updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago 1


is it possible to rewrite matches according to new Match title generation rules?

e.g. a function to change all titles of already existing matches?

Image 1768


Slider tema with main Color, and captain club shortcode

Copa Master League 4 years ago in Widgets 0

1. Hello I wanted to integrate the idea that the team captains can edit their data, there is some possibility that each captain can add a shortcode of the related matches, as well as in layout to call% competition_id% and call your related matches so you can edit from a more streamlined view in one tab.

2. There would be the possibility of creating an option like matchslider like this in plugin but with the teams and that each team has its main color taking as an idea this image that I show you below.


Half time result

almanacco 4 years ago in Match 0

It's possible to hide the half time result in the match scoreboard?


формат даты рождения

Slavik Urchik 4 years ago in Player updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago 1

Андрей, подскажи как поменять , формат ввода, дней рождения футболистов, тренерского персонала итд

Image 1707

Searching answer

font size

yos 4 years ago in Settings updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago 1

can I change the size of the font?

Searching answer

Прошу помощи

Slavik Urchik 4 years ago in Competition updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago 2

Андрей, создал новый турни по примеру предыдущего года.
Ввел результаты матчей, но в таблице ничего не обновилось.
0 матчей, 0 очков

Помоги плз

Image 1697


Как исправить?

Slavik Urchik 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 7

Image 1693


Как узнать в какие таблицы сохраняются введеные мной команды и игроки?

KeyNi 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 2

На панели phpMyAdmin отражаются такие таблицы, как: wp_anwpfl_matches и wp_anwpfl_players уже с указанными айди таблиц, как я понимаю они все же где-то хранятся и откуда-либо берутся.


fantasy football

william 4 years ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago 1

Can this do predictions from users? like fantasy football where they gain points for guessing correctly?