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Join our community to ask questions , submit an idea , vote for the features you like or report a bug  

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Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.


Plugin Customization

edgemcsow 4 years ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago 1

I would like to if the plugin can be customize in these ways:

1. Change name "Stadium" to "Centers"

2. Enable Users to register as "Teams" at the frontend and have their data stored.

3. "Centers"should be treated as Administrators with the capabilities of creating Tournaments, adding and updating scores, and adding Teams to tournaments.

Searching answer

Problem with import from new session 2020/2021

Иван Маринов 4 years ago in Import API updated by Jobs4 football 4 years ago 4

Hello Andrei, 

congratulations on the good plugin.


I have premium access and I have encounter several difficulties, namely that the 2020/2021 seasons of the UEFA Europa League and the UEFA Champions League do not appear in my drop-down menu.

I'm with Rapid API 2.

I would be grateful for your help.

Image 1952

Best Regards, 



Custom player template

Jobs4 football 4 years ago in Player updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago 1

Hi, love the plugin and im looking to make a custom player page.

How can I override player detail page template in theme?


Can I also connect with another API provider like Sportmonks?

James Watt 4 years ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago 3

For another project I use the SportMonks football api because I prefer that one above your current option. Do you have plans to add them as well as import option? Would be great! They have a double amount of leagues available for example.


Shortcode for Layout builder

Suprim 4 years ago in Shortcodes 0

Is it possible to create a shortcode for layout builder so we can copy the shortcode and paste it anywhere we like.



Country flag

Armindo 4 years ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago 1

Where can I replace the country flag code and rename the country name?
In the system East Timor, I want to rename to Timor-Leste

And the flag right not showing because the class is "flag tp" when I change to "flag tl" the flag is showing correctly but I don't know where to change the code.

Thank you



Automatically create matches

Thomas J 4 years ago in Match updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago 1


If I add example 12 teams and a league and season. 2 games agains each other (home/away).

I would be nice if the matches could be added/created automatically - so I don't have to add each match single for single.


Export data / Import players / API

burkezg 4 years ago updated by GaspareNet 1 year ago 2

I would like to import 1000 players. How can i know if someone is already imported? Checking one by one isn't solution. 

It would be great if i could export list in excel and check it out. Or to do something with import, if player is already imported to skip.

Is it possible to connect to another API besides api football? 

Entering 5 leagues events manually is hard work.


Not a bug

вывод инфо о рефери матча

Slavik Urchik 4 years ago in Widgets updated 4 years ago 4

Андрей привет, поставил обновление но почему то инфо не выводится. Я поставил все флаги как полагается, делал даже рекалькуляцию, но почему то не работает. Проверь пожалуйста все ли ок. Спасибо заранее.

Image 1781

Image 1782

Image 1783


Can we include the ID player in the batch import in order to a former player data re-upload?

Maxim 4 years ago in Player updated 4 years ago 2

We have a data base of 7000 player, the question is if We can re-upload the data by an excel with a column of Football Leagues ID player and upload new player data automatically.

Thank you very much