Welcome to Football Leagues Plugin Community
Join our community to ask questions , submit an idea , vote for the features you like or report a bug
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Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.
Responsive / Mobile issue
When u click on a club in table, there is a page with matches and statictis. There is no possible to see results because of no responsive code for table.
Вывод состава команды
Здравствуйте! Как сделать, чтобы в составе команды выводились игроки без выбора позиции?
Или, например, как завести новую позицию "Игрок"? Тогда я смогу присвоить эту позицию всем игрокам. Но будет ли она выводится в составе команды ?
Youtube videos
Hi there,
I am including the files of the games played and when I include a YouTube video, I see that it includes it, but when accessing the game file it does not let me click on it to view the summary.
Players leaving the team
I am entering all the data of this season, and I find a "problem", and that is that I have players who have participated in the first part of the season, but at Christmas they left the team, I have to register them in the team but they are no longer part of it, how can I do ?, I want them to appear in the statistics, but I do not want them to appear in the list of team members.
match chip error
I have a problem after generating my first game, and that is that after creating it, it gives me a page error not found both from the club file, and in the preview from the game creation page.
Can you help me?
Ограничения по возрасту в турнирах
Здравствуйте! Есть ли возможность при создании турнира указывать ограничения по возрасту. И чтобы потом при добавлении команд в турнир, происходила проверка возраста игроков и если возраст не соответствует, тому что указан в настройках турнира выходило соответствующие предупреждения?
Unable to Update Finished Matches on FL+ Import API
Unable to Update Finished Matches on FL+ Import API competitions after upgrading the plugin to v0.10.1 - 2020-02-17
timezone error when creating match
When creating a match, I choose the date and time, it is saved correctly, but in the list of matches it is shown with another schedule, and in the details of the match it also shows it badly.
In the shortcodes to show in the index it looks good.
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