Welcome to Football Leagues Plugin Community
Join our community to ask questions , submit an idea , vote for the features you like or report a bug
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Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.
The stats does not appear in modern layout while using shortcode
The stats below appears to be in classic although in settings it is set to look in modern.
Player number not showing on formation while using shortcode
I noticed while using shortcode the player number does not show up on formation.
When you delete a Club, the meta is not deleted
Hello! When the administrator deletes the Club, the Players do not delete the meta-field with the key "_anwpfl_current_club" and the ID of the remote club. This makes it difficult to make correct queries to the database.
Clubs / Stadium images
A quick question for you about this excellent plug in that I have started using. Adding photos to Clubs and Stadiums is easy and can be seen when I view them individually. When I go to view the clubs or stadiums page, that shows more than one at a time, (Example www.home/clubs) there are no images, just black screens above the club or stadium name. They can be clicked on to take you to the page, but the image was just black. Is this just how it is or am I missing a simple place to add the image.
In match shortcode add timeline section
Can you add in match shortcode timeline section?
Frendlyleague Option: Match Generate at Fronted
As a new idea,
For leagues in which users are supposed to start their own games, without a fixed game plan, it would be nice if a match could be created in the fronted, without the user having to access the backed directly.
Thus, the users could simply create games after their activity.
Another possibility would be to create a league in which the users can click on the club and demand it.
Then a game would be created directly.
Club Captain Name in the Fronted and Backed Overview
The second Idea for this day,
It would also be nice if you could see the club Caiptain in the overview.
In the fronted as well as in the backed. So you have it a little easier.
How to change the css colors of the links and...
How to change the css colors of the links and the standings color like circled with red with my own colors
To change link color in Standing table, use CSS snippet below
.standing-table a.club__link {
color: #444 !important; // set color you like
Automatic application: Club Captain
Perhaps it would be an idea to create a list of all free clubs in a league, so then new users can register directly for this club.
Then he automatically gets the rights as a club captain.
Customer support service by UserEcho