Welcome to Football Leagues Plugin Community

Join our community to ask questions , submit an idea , vote for the features you like or report a bug  

Rules in short:
Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.

Under review

Interactive LIVE

Andrei S. (Developer) 3 years ago updated by Саша 3 years ago 4

Image 3160


List matches

Bina Mark 2 months ago 0

Hello do you have this option

Image 9412


Prediction leagues

Khoa Đoàn 6 months ago 0

Can we make it, like this https://wordpress.com/plugins/joomsport-prediction/ 

User can join prediction game. 

Thank you !



nick tsiantakis 7 months ago 0

Image 8312


tabs for search item

nick tsiantakis 1 year ago updated 2 months ago 1

Image 7053


More Ranking options

Falcon 2 years ago 0


Plz add more ranking options  :

+ goals + assists

+ per 90 Minutes ( goals , assists , passes ...)

+ % accurates ( passes, crosses, duels ...)

Thank you 

best regards

Image 5740

Image 5741Image 5742


competion link on calendar slider

almanacco 3 years ago updated by Mr. Gedanggoreng 3 years ago 1

Is it possible to make the title of each competition shown in the calendar slider a link to the competition page?

Image 4224


Work tag

GaspareNet 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 2


I make this proposal. You could add a "work" tag,

or you could make a post, even without comments, with the list of functions you work on.

So we know what features you are working on before the new version comes out



nick tsiantakis 9 months ago 0


Image 7991


Featured image for players, staff, clubs, stadiums and other pages (CEO)

Sergiy Novikov 1 year ago 0

Dear Andrei,

I kindly ask you to find the possibility to update and add a Featured image for players, staff, clubs, stadiums and other pages.

Or use Media files as a standard Featured image which will automatically add to CEO details (positive moment for improvement).

As of now, we see nothing or incorrect photos when we add images to following pages and share it to messengers or facebook.


Image 7108

with meta image

Image 7109