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Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.

Under review

Заявочный лист + паспорт футболиста

Slavik Urchik 3 years ago updated by GaspareNet 4 months ago 14

Андрей, привет!
1. Можно ли сделать создать функцию экспорта игроков в разрезе команды заявленных на сезон на пример в формате xls или pdf, в виде заявочного листа на сезон?
2. Также, как идея, чтоб можно было в профиле игрока делать экспорт информации об игроке в виде паспорта футболиста, где бы была информация : фото, фио, дата рождения и за какой клуб заявлен на текущий момент.


More ideas for widgets to pull more info

salzoabi 4 years ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago 1

I haven't see any reply to any question in this page, but I will do it :)

I think widgets need to be more flexible .. for example:

Widgets should be dynamic, their behavior should adapt to the page I am browsing .. If I am browsing Juventus page, then Next Match widget should display Juventus next match because I have a lot of clubs, and I can't assign a widget for each club, it will be a lot of work, and not practical. Using Club_id to pull next match automatically would be a nice widget.

It would be nice to have a widget that converts club's name into a tag, then display posts that have this tag. Plus, It would be nice to use the same feature on player page, where I can display posts with a tag similar to player's name.

Also I noticed that Tournaments, Clubs, Players, Results .. etc are using the single post page layout, is there a way to change layout using Elementor?

Thank you! I am currently a paying member and would love to see this plugin all the success since I love it.


Player Career History Shortcode

Jobs4 football 4 years ago 0

Can we have a career History Shortcode that groups all games for one club together for each player like the below.

Image 2282


API Import - Pre-match odds

alexlao 3 years ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 years ago 6

Can you add pre-match odds in the future?

I see pre-match odds on api-football - https://www.api-football.com/documentation-v3#tag/Odds


Layout Builder - add more dynamic variables to create SEO descriptions

Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago updated 3 years ago 1

Add shortcodes for club names, competition names, seasons, game weeks, and so on to create a brief description of each game.


"Live Football Games between % home_name% x% away_name%, valid for the %competition_name%. The game % home_name% x% away_name% between starts %timematch of the day %datematch%....... etc


Import path to images/Meta

burylu3 2 years ago 0

Please add possibility import the path to images files for footballers/referees/staff/players along with metadata.

It would be very helpful and save many time, when you have huge database to import. It's take a time manualy set/pick every photo for player, logos for club, stadium picture.


Rss Feeds of Matches for Each League?

Dashen Padayachee 2 years ago updated by GaspareNet 2 years ago 1


I'd like to suggest RSS Feeds of matches for leagues that update whenever a match is complete. The use case is that RSS Feeds plug into automated emailing and social media systems for power automation that would add value to this theme.


Knockout competitions

almanacco 3 years ago 0
Is it possible to mark (automatically or manually) which team passes the round in knockout competitions?

Image 4985
Progress - 75%

SEO improvements

Andrei S. (Developer) 3 years ago updated 2 years ago 4


- Separate titles for matches played and upcoming

- title rules constructor with variables for players, clubs e.t.c

- more variables to the shortcode (scorers listed, teams' places in the table as text) to go about creating an SEO content template.

To Discuss & Think About

- match between 2 teams (e.g.: Real and Barcelona ) always have the same link 

- title rule constructor in Layout Builder