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Automatically import match lineups

e esperaas 2 years ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 years ago 3

I am making a wordpress website with statistics of all matches my local football club has played (1994-2022). I've collected the stats myself in a Google sheets and I've imported all matches and all players by the help of the awesome import features in this plugin. Super easy. Unfortunately, there is no feature for importing lineups and match events. Has such a feature been considered?

Without this feature I have to plot every lineup, every goal scorer and every card receiver manually in close to 1000 matches, which is of course too time consuming.


Favorite list

Rashed Hammad 2 years ago 0

Hello Andrei

The idea is to make a favorite list where user can add his favorite teams, players, competition, and so on. 

Then he can access this list by one click to preview what he needs. 


Import Staff

Jobs4 football 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 1


It would be good if we could add staff to the batch import tool


Filter Match By Competition

Samrock 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 1

if possible to add in the Matches filter a filter by competition with the filter by championship, season and day

Under review

Оценки за игру: лучший игрок матча, оценка арбитру

Slavik Urchik 4 years ago updated 3 years ago 10

Андрей привет!

Еще одну идею на подумать подкинуть хочу.
По возможности, может в будущем, было б не плохо иметь возможность оценивать игру футболистов и арбитров.
К примеру сейчас веду в эксельке статистику по очкам и голосованием на звание игрок матча, месяца, года.
Также по арбитрам, команды (капитаны) оценивают качество работы арбитров, выставляя оценку за матч.

Если б были такие "плюшки" в будущем в данном модуле - было б супер иметь виджэт с инфор, кто лучший "рэф" месяца/года, также и с футболистами. 
Всегда спасибо за твой труд!


sum of columns in players and clubs stats

mehdashti 4 years ago 0

Add a row on the end of players and clubs stats include sum of columns.


Group matches by competition

almanacco 5 years ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 5 years ago 3

Is it possible to group all the matches that are played in a single day for competition and not just for the matchday or stage?

Image 925


No me permite tener 2 tablas de clasificaciones

toni 1 year ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 1 year ago 5

Cuando inserto una 2º liga y pongo el shortcode de la clasificación previamente configurada no me sale nada


Clone squad

almanacco 2 years ago 0

It's possible to add the possibility to clone a squad?