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Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.


please add a new mobile layout of the game scoreboard

jeff 4 years ago 0

could you please add a new mobile layout of the game scoreboard , so it will look fit on mobile too thanks


Rate for players

peuplevert 4 years ago in Player updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago 1

Would it be possible to create a module to give a rate (out of 5 or 10) to players after each match and to publish a ranking of players according to their rates over the course of the season?

Under review

Issues importing

Jobs4 football 4 years ago in Import API updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago 7

I'm having lot of trouble improting games and player data when creating a new league. Example, I have just created a Ukrainian Premier League and i get API empty when updating clubs.

Anyone else having this issue?


Import players from another website

Sebastian J. 4 years ago in Player updated 4 years ago 4


As you can see from my suggestions, I would like to use the script for a league page.

For the game FIFA.

At the moment I'm copying the players over the page: https://wefut.com/player-database

I first copy this into Excel and then I format it so that I can import it using the script.

Isn't there a way to get this directly into the script via the page?

Since one or the other also has a league, this would be interesting for several users.

There are also other database pages for FIFA.







I have found this but thats in Phyton:



Youtube Player

Daniel 4 years ago in Match updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago 5

Is it possible to integrate a Youtube player? In Germany it is a problem because of data protection if it looks like you uploaded the video yourself.

Image 1677


Show staff at the top of the squad

Hans Petter 4 years ago in Club 0

An option to show staff-members of the club at the top or bottom of squad-screen. As now they autmatically is posted in the bottom, but it would be perfect to have the option to show them before the squad-players.


Поля для перевода названия стран

Slavik Urchik 4 years ago 0

Андрей, привет.
Класное решение ты уже сделал с возможностью перевода полей на свой язык.
Прошу еще такое же сделать для стран, чтоб национальность отображалась корректно и страна рождения.



Ideas/Wishes for an eSports League

Sebastian J. 4 years ago 0


In this thread I have once again noted all the things that are interesting for a soccer league in eSports, so that the script is even more relevant here.

  • Match creation in the fronted (Separate display of these generated games in the admin area e.g. color)
  • Match creation only in friendly Leagues
  • Team editing in fronted (so that the user does not have to get extra access to the backed)
  • Standard setup for a team which is always stored
  • Copy leagues with one click (I mentioned that in another thread)
  • The possibility to close games so that no changes are made
  • A demands button for teams. So the team captain receives a message if another team wants to play against them
  • Display of the trainer in the team overview
  • Shortcodes vor Staff
  • Maybe a link to Buddypress and the user profile
    USer A trains Team A

So that should be the whole summary. I hope that one or the other can be implemented



Searching answer

Can We assign a Feature Image to Player Post Type?

sofanatics 4 years ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago 3
Under review

Matchweek fix

Sergiy Novikov 5 years ago in Match updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago 6

Hello Andrei! 

I have some problem with indicate matchweek in "Add New Match" panel. 

For ex... i added my matches. As you see at first position matchweek (тур) - 4.  

Image 1500

but when i will try to edit this match i must fill matchweek table again. This position automatically deleted (((

Image 1501