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Join our community to ask questions , submit an idea , vote for the features you like or report a bug  

Rules in short:
Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.

Searching answer

Player info duplicate

Mohashin Hossen 2 years ago in Player updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 years ago 1

when i added a players info it automatically duplicated. 

Image 6392


how to translate the players names please

alex54 2 years ago in Player updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 years ago 3

how to translate the players names please


Toggle All Function for Import Data Dashboard?

Frank S 2 years ago in Import API 0

Can you please add a toggle all function to the Dashboard?


Tipster League

Łukasz 2 years ago 0

Hello. Is the League of Tipsters available in this plugin?


African Nations Championship

alex54 2 years ago in Competition 0

hello  please for African Nations Championship there are just 3 stage groups not 4

so it must be update.

Best Regards


Pre-purchase questions

khaled hafez 2 years ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 years ago 3

i have inquires before purchasing

– could i translate all API information to Arabic Language ?

– will all information updated automatically or i should do that manually ?

- does shared host will works fine with API and your plugin ?

thanks in advance


More informations for images in gallery

burylu3 2 years ago in Settings updated 2 years ago 0

Could you add information and description for pictures in player/club gallery? I'd like use these title/information for info about changes team for player during career, players on team photo for every season, information for period club logos during club history etc.

Image 6213

Image 6214


why importing a lot of photos and logos

alex54 2 years ago in Import API updated by Jitin Kumar Sharma 2 years ago 3

why importing a lot of photos and logos? is it possible to use api-football links?

thank you

Under review

Templates for tiebreakers for group ranking

KDT 2 years ago in Standing updated 2 years ago 2

Can we have templates for tiebreakers for group ranking? We are trying to create competitions which have no import wizard. For example, UEFA Nation Leagues which have more than 12 groups A1, A2, ...B1, B2, ..C1, C2.. We had to set the tiebreaker rules for 10+ time.

If we can either

  1. save rule templates, or
  2. copy from existing groups, or
  3. auto apply the rule by competition

It would save a lot of time.

Also on a related note, for Austrian bundesliga, their Championship round has the following rule (#2) which is not available in the plugin. Please add it in the plugin somehow. Thanks.

Rules for classification: 1) Points; 2) Points with (possible) half points subtracted due to rounding; 3) Head-to-head points ; 4) Head-to-head goal difference; 5) Head-to-head goals scored; 6) Head-to-head away goals scored; 7) Goal difference; 8) Goals scored; 9) Matches won; 10) Away matches won; 11) Away goals scored.



please how to change it please

mohamed ali 2 years ago in Competition updated 2 years ago 6

Image 6109

hello how to change the logo please 

best regards