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Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.


Club Statistics

Mahmoud Ayoub 1 year ago in Club 0

Is there any way that the club statistics for the season to be classified into competitions as the same as the payer statistics when we visit the player profile.

For Example :

if you visit PSG club profile you will find all the stats related to the season but you cant find the team stats according to the competition


the page priemer liga not woeking

yuvaly612 1 year ago 0

i want to layout for different league

yuvaly612 1 year ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 1 year ago 1


New league standing rule - direct match

Sławek M. 1 year ago updated by Roberto Luis Mauro 1 year ago 3

Hi Andrei!

At first I would like to say that I appreciate a lot the amount of work and time you spend on the plugin. For sure I will donate or buy premium sooner or later when I'll be able to do that.

I would like to ask you for an additional rule for final standing in the league table, when points for two or more teams are equal. Currently available options are "more winnings", "goal difference" and "more goals scored". The missing rule, as in title, would be "direct result between teams". Call it as you want, but I mean if the A will win with B in direct match, then A will be higher in the table. 

Thank you in advance!


Image 6640


Past and future data

Hvizdak Tomas 2 years ago in Import API updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 years ago 4

Is there any rule for past and future fixtures? What I mean is. How far in the future will the fixtures be loaded and at what point will the past fixtures be deleted? Can I define deleting fixtures older than e.g. one year? Can I define showing future fixtures not more than 3 weeks ahead? Is 1GB DB enough for the project?


Add HTML to match through API

Daniel Rodriguez 2 years ago in Match updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 years ago 4


I want to add a custom HTML code to each match through API, for example using Zapier or Make. However, I can not find a way to edit the match through the Wordpress API. Could you please help us?

Best Regards,




KDT 2 years ago in Competition 0

Hi team, it is possible to have the Layout Builder for [Competition Multistage] to apply to multiple leagues?

The reason is that, I am trying to customise the layout for leagues. Some of them like Premiership and La Liga. They are single stage competition so i can apply the [Competition - round robin] layout to all leagues which have only single stage.

For multistage leagues, e.g. Bundesliga and Ligue 1..etc, I can only customise the layout by using [Competition Multistage]. The problem is that, it can only apply by specifying a single League (as shown in the screenshot). That means I would need to clone the same layout to all the leagues I have (I have created 20+ leagues). If ever I need to add or modify the layout, I would need to do 20+ times. Please share if there is easier way to do that. Thanks.

Image 6441

Not a bug

Serie A - Italy Wrong Data for the Juventus team

M K 2 years ago in Import API updated 2 years ago 3


I hope you are well

You have an issue with the Juventus team that got 15 points penalties so they are not in the third place but they are actually 13 with 23 points
I talked with the API football and they already updated it long time ago

rank: 13
team: {
id: 496
name: "Juventus"
logo: "https://media.api-sports.io/football/teams/496.png"
points: 23
goalsDiff: 13
group: "Serie A"
form: "LDLWW"
status: "same"
description: null
all: {
played: 20
win: 11
draw: 5
lose: 4
goals: {
for: 30
against: 17
home: {
played: 11
win: 7
draw: 3
lose: 1
goals: {
for: 24
against: 8
away: {