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Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.

Under review

wp shortcode installation

stefano 3 years ago in Shortcodes updated by Alfonso Cobo 3 years ago 3

hi guys, i just installed the plugin on wp, but following the video instructions to insert the shortcode, you don't see anything.
But the thing that still escapes me is goats if the teams, competitions etc, after you have a rapiduser, are automatically inserted by the plugin, or should they be inserted one by one ????


No genera las columnas en "Players Statistics"

José Luis Celis 3 years ago in Player updated by Alfonso Cobo 3 years ago 4

Image 3762

Estoy configurando las estadísticas por jugador y al crear las columnas de goles y tarjetas amarillas en FL+ Estadísticas no aparecen "Players Statistics" de los partidos. 

Not a bug

Croatian flag

Tommy 3 years ago in Player updated 3 years ago 3

Something is wrong with the Croatian flag. All players who have a Croatian flag next to them take up too much space. See example here:

Image 3732

Not a bug

Matches don't move when deleting

Tommy 3 years ago in Competition updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 3 years ago 1

When deleting matches I don't want to have in my database, the remaining matches are not moved properly in knock out competitions, resulting in large gaps on the competition page. This is only the case for knock out tournaments with several rounds. In round robin tournaments everything works fine. See example here for this knock out tournament:

Image 3731

Not a bug


Tommy 3 years ago in Player updated 3 years ago 3

For some reason "present club" and "birthplace" are left aligned, while the other player facts are center aligned. That should be fixed so it's all center aligned. Also I believe "nationality" should say the name of the country, not just show the flag. Example here:

Image 3730


Fromations -> colors from api import

pip 3 years ago in Match updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 3 years ago 1

Hi, how can import colors from api import?

Image 3695


Quick Results Entry

Dean Sawyer 3 years ago in Match updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 3 years ago 1


Just wondered if I was missing a trick here.

When you have a large number of games taking place at the same time, is there a quick way to go from one to the other to enter their final result?

The only way I see is to go into 'matches' search for the game, change it to result and enter the score. Then start again for the next game.

If you have 20 games it can take 15 minutes to just put in the final scores.

Is there a quicker way that I am missing?



Theme Dev- Pages inherit template from single.php how do I change template

Nathan 3 years ago in Club updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 3 years ago 2

How do I target the specific page to change the template while I develop the theme.

I know about changing templates and saving to "theme/anwp-football-leagues" but this only changes things within the "content area" of the theme. I want to change the template for the actual theme and pull in a different sidebar.

My first guess was to create single-club.php but hasn't worked. What am I missing?


Option to show country name to the right side of competition name in Calender Slider

Edwin Dee 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 2

As some competitions have the same names, for example Premier League in many countries, this would be a great idea to make life easier for the visitor/viewer.

Image 3614

Will be answered

Euro 2020

DucPM 3 years ago in Competition updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 3 years ago 8

Hi Andrei S.

I already have a premium account, and I'm having a hard time creating it. I looked for the article about "SUPER LEAGUE", but I couldn't find it.

Please help me how to create Euro 2020 tournament.

Thank so much.