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Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.


Ideas/Wishes for an eSports League

Sebastian J. 4 years ago 0


In this thread I have once again noted all the things that are interesting for a soccer league in eSports, so that the script is even more relevant here.

  • Match creation in the fronted (Separate display of these generated games in the admin area e.g. color)
  • Match creation only in friendly Leagues
  • Team editing in fronted (so that the user does not have to get extra access to the backed)
  • Standard setup for a team which is always stored
  • Copy leagues with one click (I mentioned that in another thread)
  • The possibility to close games so that no changes are made
  • A demands button for teams. So the team captain receives a message if another team wants to play against them
  • Display of the trainer in the team overview
  • Shortcodes vor Staff
  • Maybe a link to Buddypress and the user profile
    USer A trains Team A

So that should be the whole summary. I hope that one or the other can be implemented



Searching answer

Can We assign a Feature Image to Player Post Type?

sofanatics 4 years ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago 3

Top scorers page / Таблица бомбардиров

Sergiy Novikov 4 years ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 years ago 9

Hi Andrey!

Sorry, maybe i didn't find answer in your forum. How to creat best scorers list page where we can see all players who scored minimum 1 goals (table: #, player, club, goals, goals by pen, matches played, yellow card, red card)

Also add to widget "FL Players" row with link to best scorers list page.

And next one moment - possibility to choose option to combine best scorers list with leagues table (in the bottom)


Translation function / Ukrainian lang

Sergiy Novikov 4 years ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago 4

Hi all! 

Tell me please if it possile to add Translation function for your plugin where we can translate all possition what we want to another lang. 

Also if you can add ukrainian lang of how i can translate all ??? 

As like made it another plugins.... 

Image 1453


Post tags support. Show posts with linked tags in competition, clubs and players.

mehdashti 4 years ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago 3


It's suitable to connect contents to players, clubs, competitions pages. for example, show list of articles with messi tag in messi's page. show list of article with barcelona tag in club page. and ... 


Translations not working

Mirek 2 weeks ago 0

Hi Im Building norwegian website about football I translated group and tie using locatranslate plugin. but when I add ne games it not woring.

Image 9656

Image 9655


Missing images after competition creation

Mirek 2 months ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 months ago 1

Hi, the last competition missing images like a league logos. players photos. When I was creating the competitions i didn't notice that my hard drive is full. So i updated hard drive space re run player update and nothink

Should i delete competitions and recreate again?

Not a bug

Navegador web

juangaran 2 months ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 months ago 3

Con la ultima actualizado del navegador Firefox, el plugin ha dejado de funcionar.


Trying to switch from Sportspress

stanleyigboanugo 3 months ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 3 months ago 1

But I am so confused with user roles and capabilities here.

Does your PRO version allow me to register users who can add and edit their own players but not edit or delete other people's players or players added by anyone who isn't them?


Also, is there a limit to the number of users?


More statistics in endpoint : teams/statistics #7

Ivan Nikolov 3 months ago 0

Possible added 15min stats

List of statistics to add :

  • scoring minute
  • cards minute