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Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.


Problem mit der Spiele-Funktion

Niklas 2 years ago in Settings updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 years ago 1

Seit längerer Zeit ist es bei mir nicht mehr möglich Spiele zu erstellen. Das zeigt sich unter anderem dadurch, dass ich nicht einmal mehr einen Namen eingeben kann und ich nach der Auswahl von Teams und Saison nicht mehr weitergeleitet werde. Das Spiel wird daraufhin automatisch als Entwurf gespeichert.


How to end the current league?

Andrei T 2 years ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 years ago 1

Hi I have a few questions:
1. How do I end the current league?
2. How do I custom set a league for next season - for example, we are using this for futsal and in some divisions we play league format whilst in others the top 4 of each group meet in playoffs (QF,Semis, Finals) - is there an option for this?
3. Is there a way to import matches in bulk from a cvs/excel sheet?
4. When a team adds a new player, how do I not duplicate the same player when importing the whole excel sheet?


add matches to the competition

дима д 2 years ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 years ago 3

Hello. I do everything according to your instructions, but I still can’t add matches to the competition
create matches


Fair-play rankings

Dragos Stefanache 2 years ago in Club 0
Hi Andrei,

Currently I use the Cards shortcode with the clubs type to show a Fair-Play ranking. This is done only based on the number of cards players get during the competition, but I would like to be able to penalize a team based on other factors.

- players in a team have a bad conduit that should be penalized (offering red cards is not sufficient in this case, the penalization should be greater)
- a team willingly misses a match and it should be penalized

The possibility to manually add penalty points would be an idea.



Searching answer

Request failed with status code 500

Jan Vejdi 2 years ago in Import API updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 years ago 5
Have a nice day
 I have a problem downloading new matches, I get an error

Image 5038


match predictions

дима д 2 years ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 years ago 1

Hello! How i can do 

match predictions into my site with yours plugin? 

Schedule in group order

giuseppe onorato 2 years ago in Competition updated 2 years ago 4
Hi Andrei S., sorry if I disturb you again, I would still need your help. On my site I have created a calendar page.
I would like them to appear in group order as well. I hope you can satisfy me. I am attaching some screenshots to make you understand better what I mean. 
Image 5009

This instead is a screenshot of the groups I created.
Image 5010
Thank you in advance

Error New API Import

Neto Oliveira 2 years ago in Import API updated 2 years ago 4

An error is appearing in the API import panel. How can I solve?

Image 4998



giuseppe onorato 2 years ago updated by rafallafar 2 years ago 2

Hi, my name is Giuseppe and I am an Italian guy. I bought the Pro version. I wanted to ask you a few questions about some changes I can't make.

N.1 In the player statistics page I would only like to display: goals and cards. How can I delete or hide all other statistics? I am also attaching a screenshot.

Image 4988

N.2 In the page I created for the general ranking I would like to know if it is possible to add the column of the cards as well. I am also attaching a screenshot here.

Image 4989

I apologize for my english.

I hope you can help me and thank you in advance.